
Hi everyone,

I’m working on creating monthly reports in HubSpot to track webinar registrations and attendance. Specifically, I’m trying to generate reports that compare metrics month-over-month and year-over-year.

However, I’m struggling with how to set up the right filters and properties to get accurate data.

Does anyone have experience with this integration or tips on how to build these types of reports effectively?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I’m developing a custom card which do a lot of things but at the end is creating a meeting .


I’d like to show a link at the end of the procedure to the user, pointing to the just created meeting.


Is it possible using hubspot api ?

I’m working on embedding an animated GIF into an email that displays a countdown timer. The static version works perfectly using the following HTML code:


<p style=”text-align:center”>
<img style=”background-color:#f8f9fa; border:hidden;”


This shows a countdown to September 10, 2024. However, I encountered a problem when trying to make the countdown dynamic based on a date picked from a date picker field linked to a contact’s birthday. The modified code is:


<p style=”text-align:center”>
<img style=”background-color:#f8f9fa; border:hidden;”


The contact.birthday field outputs the date in the dd/MM/YY format (e.g., 10/09/24 for September 10, 2024), which doesn’t work with the URL structure my GIF requires.

I’ve attempted several methods to format the date correctly, including:

{% set date_parts = contact.birthday.split(‘/’) %}
{% set year_full = “20” + date_parts[2] %}
{% set new_date = year_full + “-” + date_parts[1] + “-” + date_parts[0] %}




And using filters like:

src=”{{ contact.birthday|date(‘Y-m-d’) }}00:00:00.gif”





src=”{{ contact.birthday|dateformat(‘%d/%m/%Y’, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S’) }}.gif”




None of these attempts have been successful. I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to correctly format the date or alternative approaches to dynamically embed a countdown GIF based on a date field.

Thank you.


I am integrating the new Hubspot API and I need to get the contacts that have been recently updated or created. If there are any filters that can be used to get the latest updated records please let me know.



Currently, when getting data from files API like search, we are not getting deleted/trash files. Is therer any to check that particular file is deleted? Because i’m saving file data to my Database and i want to delete files if deleted from hubspot. Thanks.

Lors de la connextion du plugin wordpress vers le site Hubspot, il y a une redirection vers une page 404. On se connecte, on choisis son site via la fenetre surgissante et lors de la connection, le site redirige vers une page 404.



HubSpot Sales have advised using the HubSpot Sales add-in for Office 365 add-in for tracking e-mails in Outlook for Desktop in Windows.


It is set up and works fine, but every time I start Outlook I have to login again.

I know my way around basic CSS and HTML but am having trouble with using my Adobe fonts on my website. 


Adobe don’t let you download fonts anymore to upload into the files on Hubspot, they only give you import links. They say to place them in the head code on the page, which I have done. 

I have also tried adding the import link into the child theme CSS file. 


@import url(““);


font-family: agenda, sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 100;


Can anyone assist?


I have been trying to grant access to employees in the CRM so they can change Lead status but I am unable to do so till now please respond with solution. Thanks!

Hey everyone,


I am trying to create report on development in our pipeline with two views, one is total amount of deals with closed date till the end of year and one with rolling 18 months view. basically we will be capable of seiing if the sales people can even fulfill goals and how many things are in pipeline for future. 

My questions is if I can use histrocial snapshots for this to see development. I tried using close date filter with less than 547 days from now, but i seems its not working correctly.